Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ant Neighbor Ideas

So I'm trying to come up with more neighbors for the Ants. I have been kicking around ideas for some; I think there need to be a) more secondary characters and b) more females.

So far, we have met the mean and slobbery Mr. Laccolith, and the nice old lady, Mrs. Fookoo. Mr. Laccolith made his debut in "New Neighbor" and Mrs. Fookoo in "Marco's Crush."

Yesterday, during a meeting at work, I doodled some more people in my the thumbnail below to see it:

So...if you have any thoughts, comments, suggestions, whatever...leave me a comment! You can also e-mail me anytime.

And there ya have it! One of those little 'extras' I promised you! ^o^

In other news, I did some fan art for another comic artist. Check it out here, on my DA page.

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